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Items 1-28 of 52

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  1. Girls Sweatshirt With Hood And Front Print Girls Sweatshirt With Hood And Front Print
    Girls Sweatshirt With Hood And Front Print
    As low as LE 494.70 494.7 Old Price LE 1,649.00
  2. Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Text Print And Long Sleeves Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Text Print And Long Sleeves
    Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Text Print And Long Sleeves
    As low as LE 404.70 404.7 Old Price LE 1,349.00
  3. Girl's Basic Plain Hoodie Sweatshirt With Long Sleeves Girl's Basic Plain Hoodie Sweatshirt With Long Sleeves
    Girl's Basic Plain Hoodie Sweatshirt With Long Sleeves
    As low as LE 539.70 539.7 Old Price LE 1,799.00
  4. Girl's Round Neck Printed Sweatshirt In A Unique Cut Girl's Round Neck Printed Sweatshirt In A Unique Cut
    Girl's Round Neck Printed Sweatshirt In A Unique Cut
    As low as LE 479.70 479.7 Old Price LE 1,599.00
  5. Girl's Long Sleeves Printed Hooded Sweatshirt Girl's Long Sleeves Printed Hooded Sweatshirt
    Girl's Long Sleeves Printed Hooded Sweatshirt
    As low as LE 569.70 569.7 Old Price LE 1,899.00
  6. Girl's Printed Hood Sweatshirt With Long Sleeves Girl's Printed Hood Sweatshirt With Long Sleeves
    Girl's Printed Hood Sweatshirt With Long Sleeves
    As low as LE 374.70 374.7 Old Price LE 1,249.00
  7. Girl's Sweatshirt With A Text Print On The shoulder And Hood Girl's Sweatshirt With A Text Print On The shoulder And Hood
    Girl's Sweatshirt With A Text Print On The shoulder And Hood
    As low as LE 539.70 539.7 Old Price LE 1,799.00
  8. Girl's Sweatshirt With A Round Neck And An Emoji Print On The Front Girl's Sweatshirt With A Round Neck And An Emoji Print On The Front
    Girl's Sweatshirt With A Round Neck And An Emoji Print On The Front
    As low as LE 389.70 389.7 Old Price LE 1,299.00
  9. Girl's Long Sleeved Hooded Sweatshirt Girl's Long Sleeved Hooded Sweatshirt
    Girl's Long Sleeved Hooded Sweatshirt
    As low as LE 494.70 494.7 Old Price LE 1,649.00
  10. Girl's Sweatshirt With Hood And Front Print Girl's Sweatshirt With Hood And Front Print
    Girl's Sweatshirt With Hood And Front Print
    As low as LE 479.70 479.7 Old Price LE 1,599.00
  11. Girls' sweatshirt with a round neck and a print on the front Girls' sweatshirt with a round neck and a print on the front
    Girls' sweatshirt with a round neck and a print on the front
    As low as LE 329.70 329.7 Old Price LE 1,099.00
  12. Girl's Sweatshirt With A Round Neck And A Print On The Front Girl's Sweatshirt With A Round Neck And A Print On The Front
    Girl's Sweatshirt With A Round Neck And A Print On The Front
    As low as LE 314.70 314.7 Old Price LE 1,049.00
  13. Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Front Print And Long Sleeves Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Front Print And Long Sleeves
    Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Front Print And Long Sleeves
    As low as LE 374.70 374.7 Old Price LE 1,249.00
  14. Girl's Sweatshirt With A Hood And A Front Zipper Girl's Sweatshirt With A Hood And A Front Zipper
    Girl's Sweatshirt With A Hood And A Front Zipper
    As low as LE 389.70 389.7 Old Price LE 1,299.00
  15. Girl's Round Neck Long Sleeves Sweatshirt Printed In Melton Material Girl's Round Neck Long Sleeves Sweatshirt Printed In Melton Material
    Girl's Round Neck Long Sleeves Sweatshirt Printed In Melton Material
    As low as LE 329.70 329.7 Old Price LE 1,099.00
  16. Girl's Round Neck Sweatshirt Printed In Melton Material With A Distinctive Front Pocket Girl's Round Neck Sweatshirt Printed In Melton Material With A Distinctive Front Pocket
    Girl's Round Neck Sweatshirt Printed In Melton Material With A Distinctive Front Pocket
    As low as LE 344.70 344.7 Old Price LE 1,149.00
  17. Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Front Print In Breathable Melton Material Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Front Print In Breathable Melton Material
    Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Front Print In Breathable Melton Material
    As low as LE 314.70 314.7 Old Price LE 1,049.00
  18. Girl's Printed Round Neck Sweatshirt With A Modern Cut In Melton Material Girl's Printed Round Neck Sweatshirt With A Modern Cut In Melton Material
    Girl's Printed Round Neck Sweatshirt With A Modern Cut In Melton Material
    As low as LE 329.70 329.7 Old Price LE 1,099.00
  19. Girl's Round Neck Sweatshirt Printed In Melton Material Girl's Round Neck Sweatshirt Printed In Melton Material
    Girl's Round Neck Sweatshirt Printed In Melton Material
    As low as LE 314.70 314.7 Old Price LE 1,049.00
  20. Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Front Print Made Of Melton With A Breathable Material Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Front Print Made Of Melton With A Breathable Material
    Girl's Hoodie Sweatshirt With Front Print Made Of Melton With A Breathable Material
    As low as LE 314.70 314.7 Old Price LE 1,049.00
  21. Girl's Hoodie Long Sleeves Front Printed Padded Sweatshirt With Unique Fur Hooded Girl's Hoodie Long Sleeves Front Printed Padded Sweatshirt With Unique Fur Hooded
    Girl's Hoodie Long Sleeves Front Printed Padded Sweatshirt With Unique Fur Hooded
    As low as LE 329.70 329.7 Old Price LE 1,099.00
  22. Girl's Full Zipper Padded Front & Back Printed Hooded Padded Sweatshirt Girl's Full Zipper Padded Front & Back Printed Hooded Padded Sweatshirt
    Girl's Full Zipper Padded Front & Back Printed Hooded Padded Sweatshirt
    As low as LE 389.70 389.7 Old Price LE 1,299.00
  23. Girl's Hoodie Front Unique Printed Padded Sweatshirt Girl's Hoodie Front Unique Printed Padded Sweatshirt
    Girl's Hoodie Front Unique Printed Padded Sweatshirt
    As low as LE 329.70 329.7 Old Price LE 1,099.00
  24. Girl's Padded Hooded Front Unique Print Hoodie Sweatshirt Girl's Padded Hooded Front Unique Print Hoodie Sweatshirt
    Girl's Padded Hooded Front Unique Print Hoodie Sweatshirt
    As low as LE 284.70 284.7 Old Price LE 949.00
  25. Girl's Hoodie Long Sleeves Front & Sleeves Printed Padded Sweatshirt Girl's Hoodie Long Sleeves Front & Sleeves Printed Padded Sweatshirt
    Girl's Hoodie Long Sleeves Front & Sleeves Printed Padded Sweatshirt
    As low as LE 344.70 344.7 Old Price LE 1,149.00
  26. Girl's Hooded Front Unique Print Hoodie Padded Sweatshirt Girl's Hooded Front Unique Print Hoodie Padded Sweatshirt
    Girl's Hooded Front Unique Print Hoodie Padded Sweatshirt
    As low as LE 344.70 344.7 Old Price LE 1,149.00
  27. Girl's Round Neck Padded Front Print Sweatshirt Girl's Round Neck Padded Front Print Sweatshirt
    Girl's Round Neck Padded Front Print Sweatshirt
    As low as LE 284.70 284.7 Old Price LE 949.00
  28. Girl's Winter Hooded Front Printed Sweatshirt Girl's Winter Hooded Front Printed Sweatshirt
    Girl's Winter Hooded Front Printed Sweatshirt
    As low as LE 374.70 374.7 Old Price LE 1,249.00

سويت شيرت بناتي توميتو


سويت شيرت بناتي توميتو ، القطعة الشتوية المفضلة لطفلتك الجميلة التي تحب المرح والإنطلاق وتملأ الأجواء من حولها بالبهجة والسعادة، يقدم لكي توميتو مجموعة سويت شيرت بناتي غاية في التميز تتضمن تصاميم من الأكثر عصرية تتميز بتفاصيلها الفريدة من نوعها وخاماتها فائقة الجودة وبذلك تضمن لطفتلك امتلاك سويت شيرت بناتي قمة في الروعة


تصاميم أنيقة عصرية ومبتكرة


مجموعة السويت شيرت البناتي من توميتو تتميز بشكل واضح بالتصاميم المميزة التي تأتي بها، فريق مصممي توميتو يعمل بشكل دائم على إبتكار تصميمات مميزة بشكل متماشى مع أحدث صيحات أزياء الأطفال العالمية وأيضا بهيئة عامة مناسبة لطفلتك من حيث مناسبتها لروحها الطفولية المرحة المبهجة، ونظرتها الخاصة للقطعة التي تحب أن ترتديها، وبذلك يأتى سويت شيرت توميتو البناتي مطابقا تماما لذوق ابنتك، وهو ما يجعله مفضلة لديها ومحببة الى قلبها بشكل واضح، دائما ما تحب أن تعتمد عليها في إطلالاتها


خامات سويت شيرت بناتي توميتو


في تلك النقطة لا شك أن القاعدة الرئيسية مفادها أن الخامات ذات الجودة العالية ينتج عنها قطعة بنفس ذات الجودة، وبذلك فتوميتو يعتمد على أجود خامات الميلتون المستخدمة في صناعة السويت شيرت البناتي وذلك لتقديم منتج نهائي فائق الجودة، يتميز بالعملية والمرونة ويوفر لطفلتك قدر كبير من الراحة وسهولة الحركة، وأيضا تلك الخامات المميزة تمنح السويت شيرت المظهر المنمق الرائع الذي تحبين أن يبدو به دائما، وتسمح له بالإحتفاظ برونقه وبهائه لفترة ارتداء طويلة


مجموعة سويت شيرت بناتي توميتو


يقدم لكي توميتو مجموعة سويت شيرت بناتي تمتلك قدرا كبيرا من التنوع وبالتالي توفر مساحة اختيار واسعة يمكنك من خلالها إختيار ما يناسب ذوقك وذوق طفلتك واحتياجاتها

تتضمن مجموعة السويت شيرت البناتي من توميتو عدد كبير من التصاميم المختلفة، والتي تتباين فيما بينها من حيث تفاصيل التصاميم وألوانها وقصاتها وأنماطها، فهناك السويت شيرت السادة والسويت شيرت المطرز والسويت شيرت الذي يمتلك طباعة وغيرها من الأنواع المختلفة، وجميعها يمكن تنسيقها داخل إطلالات متعددة بشكل يسمح لطفلتك دائما بالظهور المتميز الذي يخطف لها كل الأنظار